Our jurisdiction covers all the crafts (jobs) listed below, as well as the states of North and South Carolina and the Savannah, GA vicinity.
In order to apply for membership, you must have a total of 60 days of verifiable work experiences in your craft.

If you have the required experience, you will need to contact the office and request the application to process begin. They will review the process with you, carefully explaining the process' several steps and then send you the first bits of paperwork.

STEP 1: Return the paperwork that will be sent to you and the additional documentation required. Pay particular attention to returning the Sponsor's form. You will need to find a sponsor from within our membership and at least within the department in which you are applying to be a member. Without going into extreme detail about all the paperwork needed to be returned at this step, suffice to say, make sure you read the instructions that come with the packet carefully and follow them.

STEP 2: You will have a Zoom interview with the Business Agent and one of the staff to go over your paperwork, so far, and discuss the next steps.

STEP 3: You will receive another packet of paperwork including the Local's Member info sheet and International Application forms. These MUST be completed in detail and returned with your payment. The on-line trainings required and all the paperwork must be completed within 90-days of your first contact with the office regarding membership. If it is not, your application, such as it is at that time, will be considered inactive and you will not be contacted again by our office. If you get to this state, it is incumbent upon you to contact us to find out the status of your application.

Once the Local has received your completed application packet, including resume, valid proof of residency and proof of the 60 days work experience requirement, along with all the related fees (see below), your application for membership will be processed.

When you have been accepted into membership, your application will be forwarded to the International. Once approved, your membership card will be sent to you, along with a New Membership Packet containing information about the Local, using your benefits, agreements and a referral list.

The entire process can take as little as a couple of weeks or as long as you make it. Returning required items completed, taking the trainings in a timely manner and being available when contacted for your interview will make it go quicker. Obviously, it will take longer if you are not deligent.

STEP 4: You will be "invited" to a New Member Orientation pursuant to our Constitution and By-laws. This is a 2-hour class for which you will need to register to attend. They are offered several time a year on a Saturday or a Sunday morning and afternoon. Your completion of the New Member Orientation is mandatory! If you are unable to attend, you will need to email our Business Agent to seek and excused absence. It is during this Orientation that you will take your Oath of Membership and officially be sworn into the IA and Local 491.

Currently, the total to join is $1380, which includes your initiation fee, registration and dues. The breakdown of the cost is:
$ 1000.00
initiation fee
$ 100.00
International application fee (non-refundable)
$ 280.00
dues for your year’s dues
Yes, quarterly dues are payable whether or not you are working. Assessments are only paid when working on a project under an agreement. You will be informed of this policy at the time of your application.
Assessments are “working dues” paid as a percentage of gross wages (currently 3%). This is the portion of dues that is used to help pay for servicing our agreements.

We accept payments by personal check or Money Order, as well as VISA / MASTERCARD / AmEx / DISCOVER over the phone or in person.

For more information, please contact the Local’s office, either in person or by phone at 910.343.9408.



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Accuracy of Information

All information posted on the site has been checked for accuracy before it is posted. Errors are not intentional and potential liability resulting from any error is limited only to the timely posting of corrected information. Any posting to message boards is subject to the policy described in that section.

Digital Theft

Digital theft affects all of us in the Motion Picture and Television production industries. The illegal downloading of copywrited product steals money from our employers, which reduces their ability to fund our benefits and create future jobs.

While there are many websites on which consumers can legally view streamed content, there are also many illegal downloading/streaming sites. The Motion Picture Association of America has provided a list of sites where you can download/stream movies, TV shows and music.

To find sites that offer legally downloaded content, please click here.

Please help fight film theft but visiting FightFilmTheft.org and learning more.

Click here to view video of IA Members’ PSA Appeals to Oregon Senator to Back Leahy Bill regarding the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act

This video is an appeal to FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn to assure strong content protection language in the FCC’s order governing Net Neutrality.